Sunday, May 13, 2012

Partner Up with PTA!

Welcome to Ms. Camarena's class blog!

The intention of this site is to welcome Parents, Students and Community members into the discussion of integrating technology into our classrooms.  Recently we have  partnered with our fabulous PTA (Parent Teacher Association) to fund raise for more technology to use in academic instruction.

                                    (image from

Our volunteers have organized a fundraiser with our local Office Maze on Thursday June 7th from 3p.m. to 7p.m.

We hope that you will partner with us to help implement great strategies which will enhance your child's future.  What we do today will change what your students will be prepared for tomorrow.

Proceeds go towards purchasing a much needed mobile projector for our students,
and Ipad for the classroom.

3000 Lm 3LCD Mobile Wireless Network Presentation Projector

Proceeds go towards purchasing a much needed mobile projector for our students,
and Ipad for the classroom.

Yes, the teacher will teach! :) Many have voiced concerns of using technology as a way to cut the amount of instruction in the classroom.  The use of these much needed tools will not be for the purpose of entertainment. games, or social mediums.

By implementing technology into my instruction I hope to enhance content understanding, while establishing useful skills that your student will need in the very near future. Giving our students the technological edge will only better prepare them for when they leave high school.

With your efforts we can increase content proficiency in English and Mathematics! 
We hope to implement the following activities:

Use applications to create online flashcards
Create Power-point presentations
Use Microsoft to write essays
Create student videos reports

Integrate Skill building applications to increase content proficiency
Integrate media to promote instructional strategies
Create step by step tutorials
Math drills
Use Numbers application to graph coordinates on a x/y plane

We hope that you will help the PTA support the needs of our students. Please check back soon with more information on how you can help the success of your students academic instruction.

Disclaimer! This Blog is an assignment for an educational technology class at National University and is not a REAL FUNDRAISING BLOG!